Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday Outdoor Yoga (7/29)

NOTE: YOGA IS ON!!! So it appears that Mother Nature is yet making it difficult for me again. The sun is out, it is nice and dry, and it is beautiful! I will be there if anyone is interested in yoga this morning. I will be there at the parking lot a few minutes before class then I'll head over to our yoga spot. Sorry for such short notice!

Hi there! I just checked the weather and since it seems like Saturday will turn out to be a beautiful, the rain seemed to have postponed to tomorrow morning. According to, it appears to start raining early Sunday morning throughout the morning, so unfortunately, class will not take place tomorrow.

I know that something similar to this had happened before, so I will make a note tomorrow morning prior to class to confirm. If it turns out to be sunny and dry in the AM tomorrow, then expect there to be class; however, if you start to see raindrops, then most likely there will be no class.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions. Enjoy your Saturday in sunshine while it last!

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