Saturday, June 9, 2007

Sunday Yoga (6/10) - more rain?

Again, I think this Sunday's class will need to be postponed until another nice Sunday (whenever that will be). Sorry to keep you all hanging...

Let's hope for better weather next weekend!!!

New message added on Sunday (6/10) at 10AM:
Mother Nature is playing games with me!!!! Yes, it is beautiful out there, but it is just so hard to predict this would happen considering I postponed the announcement to early evening yesterday, and according to the weather then, it was expected to rain all day Saturday and into early Sunday. There was no sun in sight in the forecast!

What do you suggest for making these announcements since the weather here is just so unpredictable (to the minute)? I am concerned to have people come all the way out (esp. when there are some people driving in from different towns) and find out there is no yoga due to changing weather, so I try to play it safe by notifying of class the day before, and even then, it's difficult to predict. Please come up with some suggestions and let me know.

Sorry again for no class on a nice day... :( I'm bummed too!


Anonymous said...

Its a beautiful sunday morning! (bummer!)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully next week the weather will cooperate!!

Unknown said...

Maybe you can leave a tentative note on sat am, but the final call on sunday AM. We can check the website before coming on Sunday in case there's a change?